
Melek Taus, the Peacock angel of the Yezidi: Persian for-runner of archangel Michael and the Melkisadek priesthood. It brings to mind the ‘fighting cock’ of Abraxas of the Galli. The name Melik means ‘king’ in Persian and Taus could be ‘Cross’ (sacred king?), sometimes called the agricultural king. ‘Tau’ was the final letter of the old Greek alphabet and signalled the end of the agricultural year. The Persian word for angel is ‘Yazd’.

The Melkisadek priesthood (from Melik Yazdak, Persian for ‘Michael’ and ‘angel’) seems to be divided into at least two separate priesthoods (of the Solar calendar). One following the bread and wine sacrifice of Abraham introduced to him by Melkisadek, king of Salem and the other practicing human sacrifice to Moloch. The second priesthood seems to be linked with the ‘tradition’ of John the Baptist as the ‘true Zadok’ not Jesus. While Jesus is said to have been ‘a priest in the way of Melkisadek’.
The archangel Michael and the name ‘Melek’ are not a Hebrew preserve as suggested by some writers.
Lo Yazidismo (dal persiano yazd, “angelo”) è la religione praticata dagli Yazidi (o Yezidi), un gruppo di circa 500.000 persone che vivono soprattutto nei dintorni della città di Mossul, in Iraq. Vi sono poi piccole comunità sparse per Siria, Turchia, Iran, Georgia e Armenia, a cui si aggiungono alcuni rifugiati in Europa.
Lo Yazidismo è presente in Vicino Oriente da più di 4.000 anni. Nel tempo, in esso sono confluiti elementi del giudaismo cabalistico, del cristianesimo mazdeo (lo Zoroastrismo) e del misticismo islamico.
Gli yazidi venerano principalmente Melek Ṭā’ūs, il “dio pavone”, poiché lo ritengono un angelo dalle sembianze di pavone. Il suo culto sembra recepire una contaminazione di elementi, in origine propri di mitraismo, mazdeismo, manicheismo, islam, cristianesimo e giudaismo; probabilmente esso deriverebbe dall’antico culto pre-islamico proprio del popolo curdo (prima che intorno alla metà del XII secolo il maestro Adi ibn Mustafa riformasse la religione).
Gli yazidi chiamano loro stessi Dasin. Secondo un’errata etimologia popolare, il termine “yazidi” deriverebbe dal nome del califfo omayyade Yazid I (680-683); in realtà, esso proviene dal medio-persiano (lingua pahlavi) yazd, cioè, come suddetto, “angelo”, forse proprio in riferimento a Melek Ta’us.

Le sacre scritture dello Yazidismo sono il Libro della Rivelazione e il Libro Nero.
Gli yazidi sono piuttosto diffidenti verso le persone di altre religioni: per esempio, la preghiera (da effettuare due volte al giorno sempre in direzione del sole) non può essere recitata in presenza di persone estranee al culto di Melek Ṭā’ūs. Il mercoledì è il giorno sacro, sebbene sia il sabato ad essere considerato il giorno di riposo. A dicembre vi è poi una lunga festività di tre giorni.
Il rituale principale è il pellegrinaggio annuale, della durata di sei giorni, verso la tomba del maestro ‘Adi a Lalish (a nord di Mossul). Durante la celebrazione i fedeli si immergono nelle acque di un fiume, lavano le statue raffiguranti Melek Ta’us e accendono centinaia di lampade.
Nel corso della cerimonia viene anche sacrificato un bue, ragione per cui lo Yazidismo è talvolta associato al mitraismo.
Update: 22.06.2011
5.The leader of the civilized group of global flood survivors who introduced the plough to the Sumerian hunter-gatherers became known as Tas Mikigal, meaning “Lord of Agriculture”. With the passage of time, he became deified by the superstitious populous as “Lord of the Air”. To them, it implied that he must have possessed the capability of flight, which suggested that he had wings. He was depicted in this form on Phoenician coins of the 5th. century B.C., and on early pre-Roman era British coins. We know him as Archangel Michael, celebrating Harvest Festival on Michaelmas Sunday. The Jews remained unacquainted with angelology until they were taken into captivity by the Babylonians.
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Above is a 14th century helm of a German minnesinger. This image was from the Mannesse Codex housed in Heidelberg, Germany. This Codex was compiled in the 14th century. The minnesinger was much like a French troubadour, and most were of lower nobility.

It looks for all the world like the ‘black’ Melek Taus above. It also means that the Peacock throne was still going strong in the 14th century. There are many more examples of the peacock. The wings form a kind of central key-hole shape, the same shape that you find in an aerial photo of the Vatican.

The crest of Sir John Plessis


The Coat of Arms of the Bauer family. It was the name of the Rothschild family before they changed it. Note the wing formation, like those of Melik Taus. ‘Bauer’ means ‘Farmer’ which was also the name of the priests installed on Tiber Island in Rome by Simon the Magus. His religious/political party priesthood was called ‘the Fig Tree’. It was a Hebrew sect, not a Christian one.
Tas Michigan/Phoenician Coins Secret? THE SECRET RULERS OF PLANET EARTH
“The Old Copper Culture of north Michigan and Lake Superior region… with some 5000 copper ….. cable to all citizens, then you may owe an income tax. …… as Phoenicians. They issued Phoenician coins with the god KNAAN on them. ..
St Michael in Ireland
by Bridget
…The increasing prominence given to St Michael as a personal protector of every Christian soul, the angelic cura animarum. Some of this interest stems from the western discovery of the writings of Pseudo-Dionysius in the 9th century, with his attention to the hierarchy of spirits and the function of the archangels as messengers. Yet some of it also arises from the …. (Irish ed.) tradition in which:
during the Middle Ages St Michael was seen as a soulmate, one responsible for conducting each person after death to Judgment. Out of this tradition would come the image of Michael with his scales weighing the souls at Judgment, an image that would later become so prominent on the western facade of Gothic cathedrals.

 This is a ‘Satanic’ symbol for St. Michael. It came from a website for Satanic jewellery.

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